Collectable Quality AF Trains

Quantity     Item #            Description                                                                Condition                 Price Each




1                    633R     Z        B&O Box Car w/OB (box v. good only)
                                                red painted w/knuckle couplers--sheet
                                                metal chassis--possible factory conversion
                                                to knuckle                                                                   Excellent-                    $ 75.00                     

1                    911       Z        C&O Gondola--no load                                                Excellent-                     30.00

1                    916       Z        D&H Gondola--complete                                             Excellent                         40.00

1                    922       Z         GAEX Box Car--decal--minor flaking on decals          Excellent                         38.00

1                    924       Z        CR&P Hopper                                                             Excellent                         79.00

1                    925       Z        Gulf Tank Car--die cast frame                                       Excellent-                       35.00

1                    928       Z         C&NW Flat Car w/logs--die cast frame                       Excellent-                       25.00

1                    930       Z        AFL Caboose w/ orig. wrapping--tuscan                       Excellent                        65.00

1                    944       Z        AFL Crane--blue gray die cast body                             Excellent                        55.00             

1                    24052   Z        UFGE Box Car--unpainted yellow plastic                     Excellent-                       18.00

1                    24205    Z        CB&Q Hopper w/OB (box v. good only)
                                                 box contains 921 CB&Q Hopper                            Excellent                         120.00

1                    24216    Z        Union Pacific Hopper                                                 Excellent                          70.00

1                    24561   Z        AFL Crane w/OB--KC                                             Excellent-                         55.00                   

1                    24636   Z        AFL Caboose--PM                                                  Excellent                           20.00

1                    25006   Z        CB&Q Coal Dump Car w/OB--complete--
                                                (919 in 5 digit box)                                                 Excellent                         120.00

2                    25081   Z        NYC Oper. Box Car--car only                                 Excellent                          50.00


1                6-44075   Z        Delaware Lackawanna Western Box Car                   NIB                               60.00

1                6-44086   Z        NS Waffle-sided Box Car w/OB                                NIB                               65.00                                  

1                6-48065    Z        American Flyer SD-9 w/OB                                     NIB                             295.00

1                6-48200    Z        1997 TCA Convention Car ATSF Box Car 
                                                    w/OB                                                                NIB                                95.00

1                6-48204    Z        1997 TCA AF Rio Grande Box Car--
                                                    D&RGW w/OB                                                NIB                              70.00

2                6-48208    Z        1998 TCA New England Hopper w/OB                  NIB                              55.00

1                6-48209    Z        1998 TTOS AF Cotton Belt Box Car w/OB            NIB                              95.00

1                6-48210    Z        1998 TCA Convention Car--Providence, RI
                                                    New England Electric System 2 Bay
                                                    Hopper w/coal w/OB                                         NIB                              80.00

1                6-48219    Z        2001 TCA Frisco Box Car w/OB                             NIB                              75.00

1                6-48410    Z        AF Tank Train 1 dome Tank Car w/OB                    NIB                              75.00

1                6-48613    Z        Bessemer & Lake Erie W/OB--set of
                                                    4 hoppers                                                            NIB                            199.00

1                6-48614    Z        Bessemer & Lake Erie Hopper w/coal load
                                                    w/OB                                                                  NIB                             75.00

1                6-48721    Z        SantaFe CBS Sq. Window Caboose w/OB               NIB                             52.00

1                6-48878    Z        US Army Flatcar w/Rockets w/OB                            NIB                             60.00

1                6-48914    Z        MP "Eagle Spirit" Passenger Car w/OB                      NIB                            75.00 ea.

1                6-48933    Z        MP "Eagle Spirit" Dining Car w/OB                            NIB                            90.00

1                6-49033    Z        NYC Coal Dump Car w/OB                                     NIB                                50.00                           

1                4-8350      Z        GP-7 Boston & Maine-1983 w/OB                          NIB                              200.00            

1                4-9002     Z         B&M Log Car w/OB                                                NIB                                80.00           

 1               4-9104     Z        B&M 3 Dome Tank Car w/OB                                 NIB                                80.00

1                4-9703    Z        B&M Box Car w/OB                                                 NIB                                80.00

1                4-9402    Z        B&M Caboose                                                           NIB                                80.00




1                D1677       Z        1952 Consumer Catalog                                               P-8                               25.00

1                D1801       Z        1955 Consumer Catalog, East                                       P-7                               15.00

1                D1866       Z        1956 Consumer Catalog, East                                       P-8                               10.00                                            

1                D2086       Z        1958-59 Consumer Folder, East                                   P-6                                  5.00

1                D2230       Z        1960 Consumer Catalog                                               P-7                                30.00

1                M2502      Z        American Flyer Instruction Booklet                               P-8                                5.00






1                                   Z        American Flyer Factory Dept. Comprehensive
                                                    Exploded Views and Parts Lists Vol. 1
                                                    Steam & Diesel Locomotives by Hobby
                                                    Surplus Sales.  Research Contributors
                                                    Eric Hyland & Vincent Amato © 2005                    P-7                               40.00

1                                   Z        "Gilbert News" (reproduction) Jan.-Feb.,
                                                    1952                                                                     P-7                                 15.00

1                                   Z        Gilbert American Flyer Repair Guide
                                                    (Pocket Guide) by Tom Barker #321
                                                    © 1974                                                                   P-7                                20.00                          

1                                   Z        1980 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-8                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1991 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide &
                                                    Checklist--AF--S Gauge                                         P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1992 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1995 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1996 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1997 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1998 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-9                                 5.00

1                                   Z        1999 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-8                                 5.00

1                                   Z       2000 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-8                                 5.00

1                                   Z       2001 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                   S Gauge                                                                   P-8                                 5.00

1                                   Z       2002  Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                   S Gauge                                                                   P-8                                 5.00

1                                 Z        2003 Greenberg's Pocket Price Guide--AF--
                                                    S Gauge                                                                  P-8                                 5.00    

2                                  Z        Illustrated AF S Gauge Checklist--Rev. 1973--
                                                Ladd Publications--illustrations from the collection
                                                of Dave Garrigues                                                        P-7                               10.00

1                                  Z        Illustrated AF S Gauge Checklist--1946-66 O &
                                                Standard Gauge 1927-37--Ladd Publications--
                                                illustrations from the collection of Dave Garrigues          P-7                               10.00

1                                  Z        Current Pricing Guide AF Trains & Acceccories--
                                                  S Gauge--1946-66--1976-77 Edition                        P-7                                 5.00   

1                                  Z        American Flyer S Gauge 1979-1991 Parts List
                                                    and Exploded Diagrams by Gary T. Suehar,
                                                    published by Greenberg Publishing Co.
                                                    ©1991                                                                    P-8                               10.00





1                                 Z          The Complete Book of Railroading by
                                                    David A. Sutton © 1964                                         P-7                                 20.00

1                                 Z          Greenberg's Guide to AF--S Gauge © 1980
                                                    First Edition by Paul Yokis, Ph.D., James Walsh,
                                                    Linds Greenberg, Bruce Greenberg, Ph.D.                P-8                               75.00

1                                 Z          Greenberg's Guide to AF--S Gauge © 1984
                                                    Second Edition by James Patterson &
                                                    Bruce Greenberg                                                      P-8                                75.00

1                                 Z          Greenberg's Guide to AF--S Gauge ©1988
                                                    Third Edition by James Patterson &
                                                    Bruce Greenberg                                                      P-8                                75.00

1                                 Z          Greenberg's Guide to AF--S Gauge Vol. I
                                                    Fourth Edition © 1991 Edited by Joe Deger              P-8                                75.00

1                                 Z         Greenberg's Guide to AF-S Gauge Vol. II
                                                   First Edition © 1991 Edited by Joe Deger                  P-8                                 75.00



Revised  Oct. 24, 2024